
Embark on a poetic journey where everyday moments are woven into verses celebrating shared experiences and personal growth.

Pearls of Life
Awards Winning

The Award I Received as a Writer

Ara H. Assilian, an MBA graduate with 18 years of international banking experience, is a successful businessman and a talented writer known for his best inspirational poetry. His journey from a tragic delivery room mishap to a life transformation is a testament to his storytelling prowess. Ara’s mantra, “I fell in love with hope,” underscores his ability to overcome challenges in life. In his writings, he shares insights on resilience, a positive mindset, and never giving up in the face of adversity. Ara’s storytelling prowess inspires many, emphasizing that life’s challenges are opportunities for transformation. He continues to shape words into inspirational stories of hope and stands as an inspiration to all.

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“We can gaze at the stunning hues of the pearls we have created, And enjoy the beauty of God’s awe inspiring creation The pearls of our life.„

Pearls of Life

Chronicles a lifelong dream brought to poetic life.

Through these verses, he captures the essence of his remarkable journey, revealing how he transformed life’s darkest chapter, a delivery room mishap that left his son Hrag severely handicapped and brain-dead, into an extraordinary odyssey filled with “faith, hope, and love.” It’s a testament to the limitless power of nurturing, a masterpiece that will forever define his legacy.

The author’s poetic journey in “Pearls of Life” serves as a guide on “how to overcome challenges in life and how to survive life challenges. They remind us that challenges can be transformed into opportunities for growth, and that the power of “faith, hope, and love” can overcome even the darkest of days.


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